Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Good times with SF

When I first started with SF the upper management actually cared about it's employees. I had applied there a few years earlier but was given a letter that they found two other qualified candidates. I went to work for Martin Marietta who was running the Orange County Data Center at the time. I became unhappy when my supervisor left for another position and they had another supervisor review me even though he knew nothing about me. It took a few more months for me to get my raise and I started looking else where. I had the interview with SF and this time made it past the interview with HR. I do not remember how many people were in my second interview but I believe that it was close to 10. Well I did get hired this time and the two people they had previously hired were no longer working there. I knew both of them from school and I would not consider them more qualified but who am I? One of them lived in the same apartment complex as me until he did not pay his rent for many months and was finally kicked out. When they put him on third he stayed for a week and then left the company. The other one was supposedly suing SF for what I never found out. I started out on third shift bursting and making deliveries so basically I started out at the bottom again and had to work my way back up again. I did not mind though as I was new and had not worked on the IBM system they had. The Manager would come in the morning and actually walk through the computer room saying hi to every one. He would also pick up rubber bands as third shift loved to have rubber band wars. I moved over to the HP system and was given two weeks training before I was given the shift by myself. I was not an expert but I love learning this way. I learn much more if you teach me and then just drop me into the job. Things were good until the Manager decided to retire. After that things went down hill and they brought 3 people in to do the job that he was doing.


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