Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking back on a past mistake

Knowing that my dreams of ever moving back to Orange County are being dashed upon the rocks I have been thinking a lot about a past mistake that started me down the wrong road. Back in 1988 I started to work for the Orange County Data Center and at the time Martin Marietta was running it. About in 1990 I got mad which usually starts me making mistakes. I decided to look for work else where. I was able to find another job but as I told the Manager of the Data Center about the move I was offered a promotion but I did not take it as I did not think that I should since another guy was doing the same job as me and I felt he deserved the job. What a mistake that was. When I found out years later that I would be moving to Bakersfield I moved out of fear. I did not look else where for work which I should have done. You never know what one mistake will lead to until it is to late to do any thing about it. A few years after I left the Orange County Data Center they moved into a new building. Should I have seen if I could work for them instead of moving. I probably should have tried. I miss all the people I lost contact with. I know most if not all are gone and doing other things but I still miss them all.

I do not know if I would still be working their but I know my heart will always be in Orange County. Giving up on a dream is a hard thing to do. I had a lot of chances along the way to make another decision but I never took those steps. I will be writing at some point in the future about listening and how I had many people give me good advice that I did not listen to. When you have wise people in your life it is better to listen to them and follow the lead they have set.


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