Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have known for some time that I had anxiety and this is what was causing my IBS symptoms. I have tried many things and nothing has helped me. I have not tried the anti-anxiety drugs that the doctors prescribe though and this was my next step to see if I could get one of these prescribed for me. I found the Linden Method which I have not started with but the more I learned about it the more I was annoyed at myself for not finding this earlier. I may have seen it previously but did not look that much into it. I am annoyed at myself for not doing some thing like this sooner. I wonder how life would be different. Would I still be in this shit town if I did some thing sooner. Who knows but like others have told me if I do nothing I will still be in this shit town for years to come and I do not want to do this to my mother or to myself.


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