Sunday, July 17, 2005


I have IBS and have since I knew that I would be moving to Bakersfield. That is how my body deal with the stress. Some times it is better then at other times. I have started taking a product that has xanthone in it after reading that others have been helped by this. I have tried what the doctors have out there and nothing helped me. I have tried a lot of different products with no help. Some helped some what but did not help enough for me to live my life. I have just started taking this new product and will report how I react to it. I am going to Orange County in August and hope that I will be fine by then. There are so many products out there and some are quite expensive. I went this way and hope that it helps me in other ways as well. Just one other reason why I wish that I had never left Orange County. I may still have gotten IBS with the stress of finding a new job but I have not been the same since moving to Bakersfield.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

So interested

I am so interested in moving back to Orange County that I am bothering a friend who is trying to search for a job himself. I guess that I do not think about the ramifications of asking others for help. I am so self obsessed that I do not think about any one else besides myself. After I was told that my resume needed changes I started bugging the two people who said that my resume needed to be changed. I am sorry for doing this to them and wish that I had thought about this before hand.