Sunday, February 28, 2010

I am glad the Olympics are over

I for one am so glad the Olympics are over and I can get back to my regular shows. All the Olympics show is that some sports are still judged by corrupt judges. Some of the sports are about the time or who comes in first so those I appreciate as no judging of those events. Skating is still an issue from last Olympics. They give high scores to those that do not deserve them or give out medals to those that did not earn them for one reason or another. They gave the Chinese couple the Gold Medal even though they did not deserve it. Why give a gold medal to a couple just because they have never gotten it and will be retiring. I also do not agree with giving the Canadian lady the Bronze. I am sorry her mother passed away but she did not skate well enough to deserve the bronze metal. I also was not thrilled with the Canadian hockey team. I am hoping that in 4 years they get beat so badly that they do not even get the bronze metal. It might be wrong to think this way but I do not like how they acted after they won. To bad they could not have been stripped of the metals. Oh well back to my regular shows that I enjoy so much more then having to put up with the Olympics.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking back on a past mistake

Knowing that my dreams of ever moving back to Orange County are being dashed upon the rocks I have been thinking a lot about a past mistake that started me down the wrong road. Back in 1988 I started to work for the Orange County Data Center and at the time Martin Marietta was running it. About in 1990 I got mad which usually starts me making mistakes. I decided to look for work else where. I was able to find another job but as I told the Manager of the Data Center about the move I was offered a promotion but I did not take it as I did not think that I should since another guy was doing the same job as me and I felt he deserved the job. What a mistake that was. When I found out years later that I would be moving to Bakersfield I moved out of fear. I did not look else where for work which I should have done. You never know what one mistake will lead to until it is to late to do any thing about it. A few years after I left the Orange County Data Center they moved into a new building. Should I have seen if I could work for them instead of moving. I probably should have tried. I miss all the people I lost contact with. I know most if not all are gone and doing other things but I still miss them all.

I do not know if I would still be working their but I know my heart will always be in Orange County. Giving up on a dream is a hard thing to do. I had a lot of chances along the way to make another decision but I never took those steps. I will be writing at some point in the future about listening and how I had many people give me good advice that I did not listen to. When you have wise people in your life it is better to listen to them and follow the lead they have set.